Changing xf86-video-r128 DDX version number assignment convention
Kevin Brace
2018-07-16 13:24:11 UTC

Now that I have a patch posted on xorg-driver-ati mailing list, assuming that it does not cause regressions, I will push the code into the xf86-video-r128 DDX upstream repository.
That being said, since this patch does fix an annoying bug with some RAGE 128 Pro models, I think a new release of xf86-video-r128 DDX is warranted.
My question to this mailing list is, can I change the way xf86-video-r128 DDX's version number is assigned?
For example, the current version is 6.10.2.
Can I call the new version 6.11.0?
Like I do with OpenChrome DDX, can I change the patch level (i.e., 6.10.2; "major version"."minor version"."patch level") more frequently between minor versions?
If I were to adopt this approach, I think the next development version after Version 6.11.0 is, 6.11.99.
Is this correct?

Kevin Brace
Brace Computer Laboratory blog
